Saturday, December 25, 2010

Science College
  Principles of Accounting                                                                                            .Subjective part.                                               
   Part 2nd:                                                                     Time        02.30 Hours                   Marks .  80

                   write short answer of the any TWENTY FIVE of the following question:                                                                                                       1.                 Define depreciation.                 19. What is meant by account sales?
                2.  Define charted company.          20. Define good will.
                3.  What is insolvency?                  21. Define prospectus.
                4.  What is commission?                22. Define certificate of incorporation.
                5.  Who are promoters?                  23. What is memorandum of association?
                6.  Define debentures.                    24. What is Del credre commission?
                7.  What is registered capital?        25. Define single entry system
                8.  Define current assets.                26. What is term consignment?
                9.  What is amortization?                27. What is revaluation account?
                10. What is depletion?                    28.  Who is consigner?
                11. Define statement of affairs.      29. What is the preliminary expanse?
                12. Define the consignee.             30. Write down the formula of out put method
                13. What is balance sheet?            31 .Give four examples of natural resources
                14. What is meant by legacy?       32. Define intangible assets with examples 
                15. Define double entry system    33. Give the kinds of debentures
                16. What is private limited company    34.what is the article of association.
                17. What is drawing                  35.Why we prepare the single entry system
                18.kinds of companies                  36.Defin joint stock company     

                  Section   _11 Attemp any three question . Every question carries 10 marks.
3.                    M.A company keeps his book by the single entry system method .His position on  Jan 1, 2009 and Dec 2009 was as under :
                                                                      JAN 1, 2009                 DEC 31, 2009
Cash in hand                                                                 200                                300
Cash at bank                                                                 3000                              2000
Stock in trade                                                               20,000                           19,000
Sundry debtors                                                             8500                              14,000
Furniture & Fixture                                                       1800                                1500
Plant &Machinery                                                       15,000                            27000
Sundry creditor                                                            22000                             29,000

    During the year M.A introduced Rs.5, 000 as farther capital in the business and withdraw Rs .750.per month.

4.                      Moon limited had a nominal capital Rs .5, 00,000 divided in to 5,000 share of Rs .100each .The Company issued the entire share to the public for subscribed. The public applied for 6000 share .the share were allotted for and excess application money was return to public.

 5.           Mr.Karim dispatches to Mr. . salaam  25 chests of tea at Rs 1000 per chest .paying Rs 750 for freight Rs
100 on special packing .on receipt Salaam spends Rs 900 on freight Rs 250 on octori   duty .delivery charges Rs 200 and commission at 5% salaam sold 20 chest realized Rs 25000 Mr. .salaam enclosed a bill at three month of the amount due . Prepare book of consigner and necessary account.
6 .          A limited co, whose books are closed on dec 31, purchased machinery for Rs 10,000 on Jan 15, 2001. Additional machinery was purchase for Rs50, 000 on July 1, 2002 and for Rs 4501 on March 14, 2005. Certain machinery which original cost Rs10, 000 and Jan 2001 was sold for Rs5000 on June 30, 2004. Give the machinery account for five year write depreciation at 10% under diminishing balancing method
NOTE    As the rate is required to provided at calculate full year Depreciation.

7.            On 1st Jan 2001 a company purchase a 3 year of premises of Rs 20,000 and it was decided to charge the depreciation under diminishing balance method rate at 15% semi annually

  Principles of Accounting                                                                                    Objective  part.                                                
   Part 2nd:                                             Time        20 Min                                    Marks . 20                                           1.           Partnership is formed under the act of:
          1.   1855          2. 1984            3. 1932                4. 1962
2.          Partnership is formed by   the partner.
       1. Mutual consent    2. Written agreement    3.  Verbal agreement 4. Non of these
3.      In partnership minimum limited of partner is:
        1. Two         2. Five                  3 ten                        4.   Twelve 
4.      In case of banking business partners:
         1. Ten               2.          Twenty                  3. Five                    4.    Sevens
5.     The parson who has entered in partnership is called:
        1.          Agent                  2.       Partner         3.     A firm        4.        Promoters
6.    The owner of a partnership is called as:
       1.     Member         2.        Partner               3.        Share capital    4.   Non of these
7. for the firm, Interest on drawing is:
       1.  Income                2.       Expanse         3.  Liability         4.   Non of these
8.     The consignee acts entirely on behalf of the:
       1.      Debtors         2. Creditors              3.            Customer          4.          Principle
9.     The party involve in consignment are:
        1. Two         2.      Three                  3.            Four         4.five
10.    single entry system is a mixture of:
        1.       Single entry     2.        Double entry          3       no entry             4.    All

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